Sustainable business practices

Our long-term, fundamental philosophies regarding our subsidiaries also permeate our sustainability efforts. We feel it is crucial to think long-term, both when it comes to products´ longevity as well as providing lasting benefits. Sustainability efforts have always aligned with the goals of our group and what each company strives to achieve. We want to pass on the group companies to the next generation knowing that we have done good for the world around us, from which people in the future can benefit. However, we also want to develop products that are of use immediately both for our customers and end users. For us, it is important to carefully develop products and services that make a real difference.

Our sustainability efforts are based on Agenda 2030, and we are constantly looking to make improvements within three perspectives; economic, social, and environmental sustainability.

Financial sustainability

Hydria Group is a stable group with a long-term investment horizon aimed at developing our subsidiaries. Today, we have a revenue of SEK 350 million and a target of SEK 1 billion by 2030. Reaching these goals requires financial sustainability and a long-term perspective. Ensuring sustainable finances is a fundamental prerequisite for a company’s existence, including good profitability, financial stability, smart investments, good business ethics and sustainable acquisitions. Hydria Group has several key functions ensuring the group´s financial management. All profits generated by the group companies are reinvested.

Social sustainability

We would get nowhere without our employees. Therefore, it is important to us that they are happy and feel safe in their workplace and that each individual is given the right development opportunities. Hydria Group has a policy in place ensuring everyone is treated equally and fairly, where no form of discrimination may occur, and we foster a good physical and psychosocial work environment. In addition, we care greatly about the long-term health of our employees and therefore choose to focus on both their mental and physical health. We offer Hydria Boost to our group companies, a commitment that aims to preemptively ensure the health of employees. The initiative started in 2017 and includes both physical activities for the various companies, as well as group-wide family days and development goals designed for each employee.

There is also an initiative to provide possibilities for personal development through Hydria Academy. In 2022, we concluded a two-year management trainee program for everyone with a managerial position within the group, focusing on leadership and communication. The participants in this course developed an understanding through a series of in-depth lectures on different themes such as policy, employment law, crisis management and leadership. Future plans include courses in finance, sales, and construction.

Environmental sustainability

In the sustainability strategy currently being developed, we state the goals that are being implemented in the group companies. These concern how our group companies can develop products and organize transport in a more sustainable way. We have a responsibility to do our part in achieving the Paris Agreement, and thus we implement measures to limit global warming throughout the group.

As a result of being available for and working closely with our customers, we often travel to visit them, and in order to reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible, we have switched to a fleet of a fully electric company cars. This is a significant investment in line with the sustainable direction Hydria Group wants to take. To ensure our efforts matter, we look at the entire value chain to see at which stages changes need to be made. Recently, we installed solar panels at our factory in Motala and our goal is to carry out more efforts aimed at reducing our climate footprint.


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Being part of the manufacturing industry, we have a responsibility towards our environment, our customers, and our employees. Therefore, we always strive to develop innovative products that benefit our customers while also minimizing our impact on our planet. In addition, the employees ‘well-being is paramount to us, and we make investments to serve their long-term health.

Commitment and sponsorship