The family business with the courage to make changes

Our history and heritage are an essential part of our DNA, and as we strive for continuous improvement, we will reach the billion mark by 2030.

Omsättning maj 2023-april 2024 (Mkr)

Through organic growth, strategic acquisitions, and with the help of our employees, we will reach our goal by 2030. By growing together, we develop and continue our journey towards the next destination. The key is the desire for continuous evolution, daring to take the next step, and wanting to contribute to a better future. This allows us to accelerate our efforts and generate new business through seamless collaboration.

Our group is based in Borås, but we are established in an international market. The desire to make things work better and smarter drives us to constantly be in a forward motion, and to create value for people. This is how we believe we build companies that benefit the people of today, tomorrow and the generations of the future.

As a family-owned business with a long investment horizon, we keep our feet firmly on the ground by working to make a real difference and create benefits both locally and globally. We operate in business areas such as ventilation, water, forestry, real estate, and communication/IT. Together, these separate segments contribute to creating a better environment, safer indoor climates, and a cleaner world.

Innovation is the basis of all operations for us at Hydria Group and through seamless collaboration, we work to develop products and services that improve our society.

Hydria Group i siffror (maj 2023-april 2024)

Omslag av tidningen "Året med Hydria" från december 2024, med en porträttbild av en kvinna i kavaj och text som beskriver artiklar om HR, köksventilation och kreativa techlösningar.

Året med Hydria

Året med Hydria ges ut en gång om året, i samband med att årsredovisningen blir publik. I magasinet lyfter vi förutom aktuella siffror, även viktiga milstolpar och genomförda projekt från våra affärsområden. Året med Hydria är för dig som vill lära känna vår koncern, våra värderingar och visioner lite bättre.

Läs eller ladda ner Året med Hydria här


Hydria Group is driven by a desire to develop the industries we operate in. And our wish is to make a difference for our employees as well as our customers.


We are perceptive and by working closely with colleagues and external partners we succeed together. Through modern leadership and a community spirit, we build a strong corporate culture that permeates all our operations.

Long-term perspective

We have a long-term investment horizon focused on our existing group companies. By reinvesting, forging strategic collaborations, and creating innovative solutions within the group, Hydria Group creates the right conditions for our companies to grow and develop in an optimal.

Hydria Group appeals to me personally because of their strong focus on the environment and sustainability with its operations in clean air, clean water, forestry, real estate, and cyber security. I also like the direct connection with the founder family, that there is clear ambition, and a good workplace based on making sure that all employees are happy.