The smart, strategic partner

B2B companies need reliable cyber security, smart IT, and creative communication. By uniting these areas into one, customers can more easily develop their business and achieve their goals.

Omsättning maj 2023-april 2024 (Mkr)
Number of employees

Enabling growth through effective communication

The need for cyber security and effective communication exists throughout the group, and our external business partners seem to feel the same. Because of this, we started a communications agency to help companies grow. Smart and secure IT-solutions are the digital foundation for reaching customers, and by combining this with creative communication, we can ensure customers form the desired brand associations. Our vision is to continue to grow and help both internal and external companies reach a bigger audience. 

I affärsområdet kommunikation och IT ingår Tech Stn. Bolaget har sitt säte i Borås och verkar i Västsverige med omnejd.

Genom att vara nära kunden förstår vi lättare deras affär. Tech Stn är en strategisk partner inom IT, digital utveckling och kommunikation och erbjuder helhetslösningar och spetskompetens som ger affärsnytta.